Sunday, November 4, 2018

REPEAT (A Five Minute Friday Post)

All last month, and all this month, too, I'm following a routine -  sit, write, repeat.  I didn't write consistently last month, but did it in clumps.  I got behind, and I had to really get it in gear to finish all thirty-one posts by the end of the month.  So, I had to write and post several at a time.  When the challenge comes around again next year, I'll improve.

So far this month, I've written every day.  That's not saying much, because this is only the fourth day of the month, but I've kept to my schedule.  Yay me!

Consistency is the key.  All I have to do is sit, write, repeat, day after day.

Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.
          - Bruce Lee

What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.
          - Gretchen Rubin

Great ideas!  All I have to do is apply them. 



This post is part of the Five-Minute Friday link-up.  Today's writing prompt was "REPEAT."  For more information on Five-Minute Friday, click here.


  1. That reminds me of the instructions they used to put on shampoo bottles. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Now who would buy shampoo that need to be used twice to get the job done? I ain't got time for that! I have to write! Love your wisdom!
    FMF #50

    1. Funny you should say that - I thought about shampoo, too! And I agree - if the shampoo can't do the job the first time around, I need to find a different shampoo!

  2. I agree. Consistency is the key. :-)

    ~ visiting from FMF ~
