Friday, November 16, 2018

ONE (A Five-Minute Friday Post)

One is the loneliest number you can ever do.
Two can be as bad as one.  It’s the loneliest number since the number one.
     - Three Dog Night

One is supposed to be lonely.  That’s what the song says.

But you know what?  Most of the time, I don’t mind being alone.  I can be lonely in the middle of a crowd.  I like being with my friends, but I don’t NEED to be with people all the time.  As an introvert, I need breaks from people; otherwise, my social tolerance is exhausted.

To me, ONE is the number for recovery of equilibrium.  ONE means I can choose to be, go, and do whatever and wherever I choose.

The more people involved, the more difficult it is to decide anything!  Where to eat, what to do, where to go.  Talk about a bottleneck!  With everyone’s conflicting food preferences, allergies, caloric restrictions, and usual meal times, it can end up with nobody happy and everyone irritated.

So ONE is re-energizing.  Give me time alone, and then I’ll be excited to be social again.  Just don’t expect me to do it indefinitely - you’ll be sorry!



This post is part of the Five-Minute Friday link-up.  Today's writing prompt was "ONE."  For more information on Five-Minute Friday, click here.


  1. I’m totally with you! We introverts need “one” time to recharge.

    Loved the humor in your post!

  2. Love your take on the loneliest number. I heard the same song in my head and decided to tune it out this time. I never let myself read any of the posts before I post my own so they don't influence me in what I decide to write, or what decides it must be written. FMF #56 this week!
