Friday, March 22, 2019

REWARD (A Five-Minute Friday Post)

REWARD.  That word always conjures up "Wanted" posters from the Old West and "Lost Pet" posters that offer monetary rewards.  Or credit cards that offer airline points or cash back rewards.  Or rewards in heaven.  Big stuff.  But external stuff.

I go for the small stuff - the internal stuff.  You can't achieve the big stuff without the small stuff.

A race finished.  A Beethoven sonata learned.  A chemo cap knitted.  A painting attempted.  A workout completed.  A blog post written!


This post is part of the Five-Minute Friday link-up.  Today's writing prompt was "REWARD."  For more information on Five-Minute Friday, click here.


  1. I think for some of us, those small things are definitely big ones! But I take your meaning - individual rather than corporate or community reward.
    Glad to join you.
    Your FMF Neighbour #41

  2. Life is full of rewards! I like that they come in all shapes and sizes, it keeps life interesting.
    FMF #48 this week
