Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Still Guilty, but Not as Much, Perhaps?

Okay, it's been 2 1/2 months since my last post.  How can it be May already?

I've been set free to some extent - church choir practices are done for the summer, and Dad has been WALKING for about 2 months, and DRIVING (God help us!) for a couple of weeks.  So he's not as dependent on Daughter Number Three (yours truly) as he was.  Oh, I'm still writing his checks, but only because I can do it faster.  He still tells me to whom and how much and he signs them.  I'm just the stenographer/bookkeeper!

So how's the running, you may (or may not) ask.

Confession time.

After spending 4 1/2 months training diligently for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon, I just stopped.  No good reason.  In fact, a stupid, very BAD reason.  UGH.

We had some good weather.

"Now wait a minute!  Back up!" you say.  "What does that mean?"

Well, we had all that snow, and I was running on the treadmill instead of going outside.  Then the snow was gone, but it was still cold.  Then, about 6 weeks ago, there was a break.

I ran OUTSIDE.  In SHORTS!  I wasn't cold!  It was g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s!

For about three days.

Back to COLD and RAIN.

And more rain.

And yet MORE rain.

And floods.

And STILL more rain.

The time last I ran was three weeks ago.  On the treadmill.  For two miles.

Long story short - I ran the first two miles of the Mini.  I got a crease in my sock.  I stopped and fixed it.  I got a hot spot.  I got a monster blister.  I stopped and fixed it.  I finished the entire half marathon.  Period.

That, quite frankly, was all I was asking for.

The past few years, I've trained for half marathons, then either had my training or the race itself sidelined by family crises, mostly involving hospitals and/or funerals.  UGH.

So, by gosh, I was NOT going to let this one get by me.

And here's the proof!

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