The past few prompts haven't inspired me at all. It's not a problem with the prompts; it's a problem with ME! After spending July writing like a mad thing for
Camp NaNoWriMo, I guess I was a little burned out, but here I am, at last!
Rain resonates with me this week. Suddenly, after an absolutely gorgeous day on Wednesday, at six o'clock, it poured! Suddenly, after an absolutely gorgeous day yesterday, at four-thirty, it POURED! Today started with a misting of rain, then worked its way up to a light rain, and since about two o'clock it has rained steadily, and our front yard has filled up. Lake Williams lives!
I'm kind of sick of the rain today, but I know we need it. Crops need rain. Our reservoirs and rivers and groundwater need rain. We NEED rain even though it's inconvenient, annoying, and floods our front yard.
"Into every life, a little rain must fall."
Not always literal rain. We're going through some not so fun times right now. Oh, nothing catastrophic, but just difficult.
The air conditioning in my car got wimpy last week, so I took it to the shop. An unexpected expense - not fun.
The back window of That Man's pickup truck cap disappeared on the interstate. He doesn't know exactly where it happened, but he stopped at a rest area to check the trailer hitch and the window and frame were gone. Poof! He's driving around with a piece of classy black plastic and duct tape fending off the elements - namely the RAIN we've been experiencing the past week and a half. Again, not fun.
Oh, and another festive touch to the truck - the brake lines are rusty, so they're being replaced. We don't need the brake lines to rupture while he's pulling the race car trailer through the mountains (or anywhere, for that matter).
And suddenly, my right knee has decided it doesn't want to do its job (holding me up) and has been complaining - LOUDLY. Everything I do, it hurts and makes dire threats to quit on me. So I went to the doctor, got x-rays, and I've been referred to an orthopedic surgeon. Tricompartmental osteoarthritis - a mouthful that means I have a bad knee. ACK! Say it ain't so!
In the past couple of weeks, we've also had some beautiful sunny days, That Man raced his car and did well, I went winery hopping with a group of friends, I ate fabulous food at the Indianapolis Greek Fest and the Tipton County Pork Festival, and I've been planning a trip to the Outer Banks with my sister. So there have been good times alongside the rain.
Just as we need rain, we need some difficult times to make us appreciate the good times. And I'm REALLY appreciating the good times!
This post is part of the Five-Minute Friday link-up. Today's writing prompt was "RAIN." For more information on Five-Minute Friday, click here.